Friday, May 18, 2012

To be happy to be average

This week, one by one, children have been bringing back their SA1 papers for signing.  As usual, some are happy; some are sad.  My daughter did very badly for her science paper, while my second son did not so well for his Chinese Paper.  But I must say they are overall above average!

What we parents want our children to be, always, not average, but "EXCEL"!.   望子成龙 is every parent's wish.  The reality of life however is that not ALL the children will be "Dragons", most of them will be just average.  We should be happy if they are above average.

Life is full of twists and turns of dreams and realities.  While we encourage our children to do their best in every thing they do, we have to be constantly mindful not let our "own" expectation becomes a stumbling block to our children. We have to recognize that each child has his/her own unique quality, some are given ten talents, some five and some only one.  But to God, they can all become the "Good and Faithful" servants.

An easy task for Child A might be a great achievement for Child B. A late-bloomer may not seems to be as bright as the head-starters.  But in the end of days, it is more about characters, personalities, habits, and conviction that make a whole human beings.

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