Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Holiday is coming!

Holiday is coming! It feels so good! Children are in good mood, so do I.

This term, time really flies. Paul finishes P4 and Prisca P2. Both of them have got the better grade!

That is great encouragement for Paul. He did not care his marks as much as Prisca, being a boy, I suppose, but I did extra push on him and , of course, more "tender words" (which are like honey combs). He is now more confident to do even better!

Prisca is a bit over confident so that she does not check her works careful. That caused her great damages. I keep reminding her of be humble and be careful. She did improved. Thank God.

Noah will attend P1 next year, oh my, I am not sure whether he is ready. His reading improves rapidly, so does his maths, but Chinese is one of his headache.

Stephen, has learnt to write his own name. He is so proud to show off! He has written his name more than 30 times in a short period of half hour???

Now, it is my turn, I will have my last and final paper on Nov 19. Oh, God helps me, I don't feel confident at all, not only am I quite confused by those contemporary social theorists, but also (quite often) agitated by those numerous presumptions of non-believing, contentious arguments. To me, the root of all these confusion is their unbelief. "To fear the Lord is the beginning of wisdom"

All and all, I give thanks to God, He has been really gracious to keep our family, to provide to our needs, to guide us in each and every step....we shall lead on and keep trusting him. May God help us and God bless you!

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